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Small business owners find it challenging to build relationships and brand authority. You may be posting photos, and it does not seem to attract enough interactions. Get in the action and discover the potential of live streaming on social media, and you can buy Instagram views that seem you have an audience and attract more. Using streaming platforms on your social media is a great way to build a lasting connection with your audience. Market your business with the live video but below are practical ways to make the best live videos.
Camera shyness makes most people hesitate to start with live video streaming. To create engaging videos, familiarize yourself with getting comfortable talking in front of the camera. So practice and practice more. You can record yourself and play it to spot any changes you should make. It is okay to be nervous. But with enough practice, you feel at ease with time. And you start enjoying doing live videos often. Everything falls in place with enough practice and consistency, but more importantly, remember to have fun while going live.
Using your phone to join a live stream while shakily holding it may seem like a good idea, but it is not a quality way to do a live video. To improve your live videos, start with a sturdy tripod and a decent microphone. Later on, you can invest in a better mic for you need quality audio for quality live streaming. The tripod can serve you for the longest time to ensure you are not shaking all over the place. Optionally, you can broadcast from your computer, but it will not work if you want to shoot from different locations or move around. Also, do not forget about the setting and the lighting to create a visually appealing background.
When you start your live stream, it will take time for a decent number of viewers to find your way to your video. So, aim for at least 20 to 25 minutes of streaming time. Not only will it allow for more people to join, but it gives you a chance to engage with your viewers. Also, if your video is too long, you may end up sounding boring, and you may lose some viewers. All you have to do is try shorter videos. And go increasing the time, according to viewer engagement.
You can be spontaneous as do live streaming or plan beforehand. First, decide what themes and topics you want to cover and what your audience should get from it. Outline for it to know the direction you are heading in, and this will help you not fumble words midway through. As part of your outline, remember to add any calls to action. This is to get your viewers to visit your website, buy your product, subscribe to your page, among others.
It is vital to be yourself on a live video. Your viewers can tell when you are not yourself or not having fun on a live stream, making it uncomfortable for all parties. So, allow your personality to come to the forefront. While you want your videos to blend with your brand image, it is vital to be authentic. More so, now people lose sight of how important it is to be one. Plus, nowadays, your viewers will comment if you seem off. And it can create negative energy around the comment section and the overall video.
Having personalized interactions with your viewers is the best thing about live streaming. In this way, you get your audience interested in you and your business. A great way to interact is through the ask me anything section. Do a live stream to provide the answers casually. To get better at engaging with the live audience, play a game with viewers, be ready to give details of your personal life. Also, you can offer something of value. For instance, if you are a makeup artist, share tips for flawless makeup. Finally, master the art of storytelling. This always engages viewers.
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