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Rediff is a web portal known for diverse niches like news, shopping, entertainment, and much more. In addition to the above, it also provides a webmail service which is known as Rediffmail. It was founded in Mumbai, India.
Rediffmail is a unit of Rediff and acts as a web-based email service provider. When it comes to the number of registered usernames, it possesses millions of usernames that means it has a wide user base. It is quite a famous webmail. Also, it allows users to send and receive mail in multiple languages. If you are willing to access Rediffmail on the mobile then its mobile version is also available for free. Additionally, it provides mail synchronization across all your devices like mobile, PC, and more.
If you are new to Rediffmail and do not even have an email account then find below the steps to create an account.
How to Create A Rediffmail Account?
If you are willing to create a Rediff mail account then I would like to assure you that it is easy to have a Rediff mail account. All you have to do is just follow the below-mentioned steps diligently.
- Step 1: Go to the Rediff mail page from here

- Step 2: Enter the Full Name

- Step 3: Choose a unique Rediffmail ID

- Step 4: Enter a strong password, it must fulfill the criterion like it must have 6 to 12 characters, upper case, and lowercase letters, a numeric character, a special character etc
- Step 5: Retype the password

- Step 6: Enter an Alternate email address, if you do not have any such alternate email then tick the checkbox and choose a security code instead and also type the answer of that in the answer textbox.

- Step 7: Enter Mobile Number

- Step 8: Enter Date of birth

- Step 9: Choose Gender

- Step 10: Select country then choose city and then enter the text as shown in the image

- Step 11: Click on Create My Account

Hence the procedure is complete now and this way you will have your account created on the Rediff mail.
Now it’s time to login into Rediff mail, for this, we have provided the steps below, follow them and get your account logged in.
Login Rediff mail
If you are willing to login into the Rediff mail then here I have provided several steps, you can use them and get yourself logged in to the Rediff mail. But what if you are willing to log in using a mobile phone or only want to login via the website, then also you don’t have to worry anymore as here I will be providing the steps to login via Mobile as well as via a website
Rediff mail login using web
If you want to log in to Rediff mail using a website then follow the below-mentioned steps and get the process done.
- Step 1: Open a web browser like chrome, firefox, etc (if no browser is available then you will have to download it and then install it into the computer system)
- Step 2: Search for Rediff or you can go from here
- Step 3: Click on Sign in (available on the top right corner of the web page)
- Step 4: Enter your username and password and tick mark the checkbox if you are willing not to enter your username and password again the next time.

- Step 5: Click on Sign in and now you will get your Rediff mail dashboard opened.
So these were the steps for making a login into Rediff mail and if somehow you changed your mind and now want to login using Mobile then steps are given ahead from here, find them, and get your quest done accurately.
Rediff mail login using Mobile
As the number of mobile users is huge, so, there comes the need of making login via a mobile phone and hence I have provided the steps to be followed for the same, follow them and get yourself entered into the mobile-based Rediff mail in an easy manner.
- Step 1: Download and install the Rediff mail app onto the mobile (go to play store if using Android and choose app store if using an iPhone)
- Step 2: Go to the Rediff mail icon and tap on it to open
- Step 3: Tap on Allow if it prompts
- Step 4: An EULA will come up, tap on accept to move further
- Step 5: Now, Enter email ID and tap on proceed
- Step 6: Enter password and tap on Sign in
- Step 7: Now you will get your personal Rediff mail opened
Hence, you have completed the steps required to make a login into Rediff mail using a mobile phone.
While logging in to the Rediff mail account it might be that you encounter certain issues and in order to tackle such problems, you may read ahead, as every try has been made to provide the problem’s solutions in an easy and detailed way. So stay tuned.
Problems while logging in to Rediffmail
An individual can face so many problems while trying to log in to The Rediff mail. In order to cope up with all such issues a detailed guide is being provided below, keep reading and I am sure you will get all your issue resolved.
Forgot Password
If while logging in to the Rediff mail you forgot your password then you can follow the below steps and get the problem resolved.
- Step 1: Go to Rediff main website from here
- Step 2: Click on Rediff mail (available on the top left corner of the web page)
- Step 3: A new window will open up, choose forgot password

- Step 4: Again a new window will open and you will have to enter the email address which is associated with your account and click on NEXT
- Step 5: On the next step you will be asked to choose the way of recovering the password, either you may choose a phone number or email id to recover the password.
- Step 6: If you chose a Phone number as a way of recovering the password then enter the phone number and the captcha and afterward click on NEXT
- Step 7: Now you will receive a confirmation code on your mobile, enter that code into the textbox and click on proceed
- Step 8: If everything went well then you will be prompt to enter New Password and Retype the new Password, after completing this step click on the Update button.
Hence, this way you will get your password reset
Internet Connection Not working
If you are unable to login into the Rediff mail then the chances are your internet connection is not working fine, in order to check whether the Internet is the culprit or something else is creating hindrances while connecting to the Rediff mail, you should try restarting the modem or whatever internet source you are using, if it corrects the issue then definitely it was the internet which was creating the problem and if it does not solve the issue then surely it is something else.
Is Rediff Down
Another reason for not being able to connect to the Rediff mail can be a slow or down server of Rediff mail. In order to check whether the server is down or not, you may check from here. If the server is down then you can not do anything in this and all you can do is just wait till the service becomes smooth once again.

Try Another Browser
If you are unable to login to the Rediff mail on one browser then you should try signing in again on another web browser. Sometimes it’s a browser issue that comes in between while signing in. If you were trying on Google chrome then you should switch to Mozilla Firefox or vice versa.
Junk Files are Interfering
If you are still not able to log in to your Rediff mail then you should try cleaning up the junk files of the system as well as of the web browser (on which you are trying to login).
Restart the device
Restarting the device can also help in resolving the log-in issue. Sometimes the software does not work according to the expectation so in that case, you should try to restart the device whether it is a mobile or computer system.
Check time and date settings
Sometimes, wrong time and date settings interfere while operating the internet. So, in that case, you should try to correct the time and date settings of the device.
So, these were the solutions for signing in to the Rediff mail. If still, the problem persists then you should give a try to the Rediff mail online support. It is available 24X7 and will surely help you with the issues.
Similarly, you can read the login guide of following platforms: