
Get Back Your Disabled, Deactivated, Hacked or Deleted Instagram Account with This Ultimate Guide

Before Instagram also, people had many dedicated social media apps like Facebook where they share photos and videos that they took. 

However, soon after Instagram launched in 2010, it becomes the simplest platform to share photos and videos to millions of followers within a few seconds and now, with its snazzy filters and easier than ever sharing options, it is considered as one of the widely loved social networking sites to which over 1 billion active users are addicted to post. 

In fact, Instagram is not just about posting photos and videos; people are using this platform for many different purposes such as for sharing their personal choices and tastes, joys and happiness, colors and cultures, fashions and lifestyles, moments and stories, etc. On top of that, many professional users also started using it for maintaining their social network and marketing their product, brand, and business, etc.

In short, because many millions now use Instagram every day, there is no lack of Instagram stats and facts that show how popular it is and how we all got used to posting on it. 

But like all other digital accounts these days, we also can’t deny the fact that there’s always a chance your Instagram profile might get targeted to be either disabled, hacked or deleted. 

Well, unfortunately, this has been happening to a lot of people lately and let’s accepts that—it is one of the most frustrating things that can ever happen to a social media user because being cut off from your friends and community is a separate thing, but the pain of losing decades of photos and videos can be truly devastating.

Keeping this context in mind, let us ask—

“Have you ever had your Instagram account disabled or deactivated or hacked or deleted?”

Of course, if you are reading this post then, it means that you’ve lost access to your account for some reason and are now wondering what to do next? Basically, you’re looking for a guide that explains how to get your Instagram account back, right!

Well, we all have experienced this situation at some point in life and considering that only, we’re here to help Instagram users like you to deal with any of these issues—

  • Instagram banned my account
  • Instagram deleted my account for no reason.
  • Someone hacked my Instagram account.
  • My Instagram account is deactivated.
  • Instagram disabled my account for no reason &
  • I am having trouble recovering my Instagram account.

If you fall in one of the categories listed above then, we truly understand what sort of nightmare you must be going through and thus, without doing any further delay, let’s straightaway dive into the details which we’ve well distributed in three parts—

[Note: Depending on your situation, whether you’re recovering your disabled, hacked or deleted Instagram account; your Instagram account recovery could take time ranging from a few days or a few weeks. So, be patient enough!]

Category 1: Instagram Account “Disabled”

While it’s true that many of those getting their Instagram accounts disabled have violated Instagram’s terms & conditions; there are also others whose Instagram accounts were mistakenly disabled.  However, whether you belong to this category or not, is what you’ve to find out.

How to Identify a Disabled Instagram Account?

If your ‘Business or Personal’ Instagram account has been disabled then, this error message: “Your account has been disabled for violating our terms. Learn how you may be able to restore your account” pops up during when you try to log in to your account.

Other than this, you’ll get to know your Instagram account has been disabled if—

  • You Cannot Login
  • Friends/Followers Cannot Find Your Instagram Account in their Search
  • Your Account has Disappeared
  • Friends/Followers Unable to Send You a DM
  • Your Account shows No Posts Yet

Now, in case you’ve confirmed that your ‘Business or Personal’ Instagram account is disabled, you must be wondering why you might be in this particular situation? 

If so then, let’s tell you that Instagram usually don’t explain you in detail the reasons why an Instagram account gets disabled, and instead they will only say: “Your Instagram account has been disabled for violating Instagram Legal T&Cs:”

To be precise, Instagram doesn’t provide you any precise guidance on which term you’ve violated, and you’ve to just keep on guessing why you’re locked out of your Instagram account!

However, we’ve recently reviewed the Instagram Community Guidelines as well as Terms and Conditions thoroughly so that you can have enough idea of ‘what did you do wrong’ because of which Instagram suspended your account from their social media platform. 

Why Did Instagram Disabled My Account?

Albeit, there are plenty of reasons why you might be in this situation but, these below-listed are the main ones—

  • Third-Party App: If you’ve linked an unapproved app to your IG account that helps you check who unfollows you and also to schedule posts then, it can cause red flags leading Instagram to disable your account.

[Note: There are just a few approved partner apps of Instagram and the rest are against the T&Cs of IG.]

  • Uploading/Posting Nudity or Controversial Content: If you’re intentionally or unintentionally posting any political or sensitive content that includes hate speech, nudity, violence, racism, along with profanity and exploiting minors then, there are high chances of your Instagram account getting disabled.
  • Being Reported: If you’re posting such content that people get offended with, or they didn’t like your content and report the same as spam then, Instagram is liable to disable your account immediately.
  • Impersonation: If you’re pretending to be someone else or basically, if you’re faking your identity on Instagram and someone lodges a report against you then also your account gets disabled.
  • Spam: Instagram based on number of actions and speed has set a daily activity limit for instance 1,000 photos, 180 to 200 comments and 200 follow/unfollow users per day.  So, if you exceed this limit then, Instagram can consider you ‘Spam’ and as a result, it disables your account.
  • Copyright Infringement: Instagram has a very strict policy for copyright infringement so, if you’re posting such images, videos or content that you don’t own or took from others account without their permission then, chances of your account getting disabled are way higher.
  • By MISTAKE: Instagram changes its algorithm time and again so, during an algorithm change sometimes, there are minor glitches and bugs that can disable your account just by a mistake.

Having read all this, you’ll probably get to know the exact reason why your Instagram account got disabled! However, worry not because it isn’t too complicated to recover your respective Instagram disabled account.

What To Do If Your ‘Personal or Business’ Instagram Account Disabled?

Do not panic!

Slow down and read the pop-up received from Instagram. 

Do exactly what you’re prompted to do via pop-up.

However, still if you’re not able to make your ‘Personal or Business’ Instagram account working again then, continue reading further—

How to Get a Personal Instagram Account Back after Being Disabled?

In order to not lose your valuable messages, years of pictures and videos, available in your Instagram profile, you can try recovering your IG account back via either of the following two ways—

Way 1: Make an Appeal on the Instagram Mobile App

  • Step 1: On your respective mobile device, you have to simply open the ‘Instagram app’ first.
  • Step 2: Then, you need to try to log in to your Instagram account to let the Instagram app display in front of you the pop-up error message that reads—‘Your Account Has Been Disabled.’
  • Step 3: Following that, when the aforementioned error message appears on the app screen, you’ve to tap on the ‘Learn More’ option located under that message pop-up.
  • Step 4: Upon doing so, you’ll either get the ‘Appeal’ option or ‘Request Review’ option. However, no matter which option you’ll get, just select the same as soon as you receive it.
  • Step 5: Following that, you need to just perform the on-screen instructions in the right manner to submit your details and to make an appeal on the mobile Instagram app for your disabled Personal Instagram account.

Way 2: Submit the Official Appeal Form

  • Step 1: To begin the personal IG account recovery process, head towards the Instagram Help Center page. For that, you can just tap on this link.

  • Step 2: There, on the Instagram Help Center page, you’ve to locate the ‘Deactivated Account’ option and tap on the same.
  • Step 3: As you do so, you’ll see an ‘Appeal Form’ on the screen in front of you. In the Appeal form that appears, you’ve to enter all the appropriate information that is needed.
  • Step 4: Following that, you also need to select whether you’ve a valid Government-issued Photo ID like password, pan card, driving license, and so on or not. If yes, make sure to add the same in your form.

[Note: It is worth mentioning that, you need to have to compulsorily send your Government-issued ID but, it is highly recommended that you should send one of your Government issued ID to Instagram as chances of recovering back your account are higher this way.]

  • Step 5: Now, when you’ve completed the form with all the required information, details and documents, you can simply tap on the ‘Send’ button to finally submit it to Instagram.

Once you’re done, wait for some time because it has been noticed that Instagram usually takes around 24-48 hours to respond back to an appeal or request. So, just wait patiently to hear back from Instagram on your submitted appeal form.

How to Get a Business Instagram Account Back after Being Disabled?

If instead of personal account, your business account got disabled then, let us tell you that recovering a Business Instagram account is also very easy as you just have to follow these below-given simple steps correctly—

  • Step 2: On the Instagram help center page, you’ve to locate the ‘Business Deactivated Account’ option and once you’re able to do so, just tap on the same.
  • Step 3: After that, simply select any valid proof of your Business Ownership and Government issued Photo ID such as—
  1. Passport
  2. Aadhaar Card
  3. Pan Card
  4. Driver’s License, etc.
  5. Step 4: Now, when you’ve done that, move onto fill the below-asked details in the ‘Form’ that appears on the screen—
  1. Full Name
  2. Your Instagram Username
  3. Your Mobile Number
  4. Your Email
  5. Please Tell Why You’re Appealing the Decision to Permanently Disable This Instagram Account
  • Step 5: Once you’re done with the form completion, provide all the associated documents and only then, tap on the ‘Send’ button to submit your appeal for recovering your disabled Business Instagram account.

Category 2: Instagram Account “Deactivated”

On the contrary, if you find out that your account is not disabled then, you never know, maybe your account was deactivated. Well, yes there are also slight chances that you might have mistakenly or someone who has access to your device has temporarily deactivated your ‘Private or Business’ Instagram account without your knowledge.

However, if you belong to this category then, there’s nothing you’ll have to worry about because you can simply reactivate your Instagram account by logging back to the same on any of your devices.

To be precise, if you enter your Instagram account’s ‘Username and Password’ on the Instagram log in screen then your respective account will automatically be reactivated.

But in case, this doesn’t seem to work for you then, consider this below-discussed way out.

How to Get Deactivated Instagram Account Back Again?

In order to reactivate your temporarily deactivated Instagram account, you need to execute the following steps—

  • Step 1: On your respective mobile device, first you’ve to open the Web Browser of your choice.
  • Step 3: In doing so, you’ll reach onto the ‘My Instagram account has been deactivated’ page of Instagram.
  • Step 4: There, you’ll have to fill out the requested information so that Instagram can investigate. In order to provide the same, first select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ for this question— “Is this account used to represent a business, product or service?
  • Step 5: Now, based on whether you’ve selected yes or no, you’ll be asked to enter the following further information:
  • If No, provide—
  1. Your Name
  2. Your Instagram Username
  3. Your Email Address
  4. Your Country from where you’re contacting Instagram
  • If Yes, provide—
  1. Your Name
  2. Your Instagram Username
  3. Your Email Address
  4. Your Country from where you’re contacting Instagram
  5. Submit a copy of one of the following for verification of your business:
  • Local business license
  • Certificate of Formation
  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Utility bill
  • Tax filing
  • Invoice
  • Proof of domain name registration
  • Order fulfillment documentation
  • Step 6: Now, when you’re done with the form completion, tap on the ‘Send’ button to submit it to Instagram.
  • Step 7: As you do so, you’ll receive a verification message on the email address (you’ve entered in the form) to indicate you’ve successfully submitted the form.
  • Step 8: After you receive the verification code on your email address, wait at least 1-4 weeks for a response from Instagram whether your account will be reactivated or not.

Category 3: Instagram Account “Hacked”

Apart from disabled or deactivated Instagram accounts, the instances of hacked accounts are also on the rise. It is because ‘Instagram’ for being such a popular social media platform has been a frequent target of most hackers that aim to steal your personal details or attempts to sell your username for other nefarious actions.

So, if you believe that your respective Instagram account has been hacked instead of being disabled or deactivated then, we’ve also explained below what you should do to regain access to your account.

How to Recover an Instagram Account without Facebook or Email ID?

Albeit, you can easily recover your Instagram account with the help of your Email ID or Facebook account but, you certainly don’t know that the option to recover or retrieve an Instagram account back with the help of an email or Facebook is available for those users only who are on the latest version of the Instagram application. 

So, in case you’re on the older version of Instagram app and wondering whether you can still recover your Instagram account or not then, luckily the answer is ‘Yes’—you can do it without an email or Facebook.

However, it is worth mentioning that, you can use this method only on one condition and i.e., if you’ve added your registered phone number during your Instagram account creation, and still have access to it.

Now, if you’re eligible to try this method then, simply execute the following given steps—

  • Step 1: Head towards the ‘Instagram Password Recovery’ page.
  • Step 2: On reaching the password recovery screen, you’ve to just enter your ‘Registered Phone Number or Email’ there.
  • Step 3: After entering your phone number or email on the password recovery screen, you need to simply tap on the ‘Continue’ button.
  • Step 4: As you do so, you’ll receive a ‘Link’ on your provided phone number or email that will help you to recover your Instagram account’s password.
  • Step 5: Upon receiving the code/link via ‘SMS’ or ‘Text or ‘Mail’ from Instagram, all you need to do is follow the simple on-screen available instructions and try signing in to your Instagram account to get access to the same.

How to Contact Facebook Support to Recover an Instagram Account?

Besides the aforementioned method, this is another full-proof way out that works for those users who needed to get their hacked business Instagram account back.

[Note: This particular method, though, works for business accounts mainly, but you can also use this for recovering personal/private Instagram accounts as well.]

  • Step 1: Open your Business Instagram account if you have and if you don’t have, immediately create a new one and switch it over to a business account. To do so, you can refer to ‘Category 4’ of this post.
  • Step 2: After creating a Business Instagram account, make it alive via posting some of your pictures, adding your profile photo and a simple bio for your Instagram business-account profile.
  • Step 3: Next, what you’ve to do is run an ad on your newly made ‘Business IG Account.’ For that—
  • You need to first connect your IG account to your FB account because you won’t be able to run an ad if you forget to connect your IG and FB account together. So, when you connect both your IG and FB accounts, the process automatically creates an FB Ad Manager account.
  • Following that, you can simply choose one of your posts to ‘Promote’ it.
  • Step 4: Now, as you’ve started promoting your ad, you need to let the same run for some time to gain enough statistics because this is the only condition you’ll have to fulfil to recover your Instagram disabled account. So, in case your running ad doesn’t have enough statistics, let it continue running till it gains some.

How You Can Report a Hacked Instagram Account?

After trying all the above-listed options also, if you’re not able to recover your Instagram account then, what you can simply do is report about your Hacked account. To do so, these are the steps you need to follow—

  • Step 2: Then, tap on the drop-down arrow of the ‘Privacy, Protection & Security option; which is available on the Instagram Help Center page.
  • Step 3: In doing so, a ‘Menu’ will appear in front of you and from the appeared menu list; you’ll have to simply select the ‘Report Something’ option.
  • Step 4: After that, locate this option—“What can I do if someone is impersonating me on Instagram” and once you’re able to do so, just tap on the same.
  • Step 5: Upon doing so, a link that reads “Fill out this form” will pop up in front of you, and you’ll tap on it. Alternatively, if you want you can tap on this link and this will take you directly to the form.
  • Step 6: Now, when the form opens, you’ve to just fill it out completely to the best of your knowledge while ensuring that everything you enter is accurate and true.
  • Step 7: Once you’ve completed the form, you’ll then need to ‘Upload an ID’ in JPEG format. For that, tap on ‘Browse…’ to upload any of your Government issued ID from your respective device’s file/photo library.
  • Step 8: In addition, Instagram needs a detailed explanation of the Information on the account that you suspect has been hacked or intend to deceive others using your identity. So, simply tap inside the ‘Description Box’ and type in the detailed description of the situation you’re facing.
  • Step 9: Once you’ve done that, simply tap on the ‘Send’ button to submit the form for reporting an Impersonation account on Instagram.

Now, after completing the above-steps, wait for at least 48 to 72 hours to receive/ get this— “Your Instagram account is retrieved” message from Instagram.

In addition to that, it is worth listing the ways that help you to protect your respective ‘Personal or Business’ Instagram account in the future. Have a look—

How to Protect Your Instagram Account?

  • You can enable two-factor authentication
  • You can update your email and phone number
  • You can report content and accounts that you find questionable
  • You can enable login request’ &
  • Remember, Instagram will never send you a DM.

Category 4: Instagram Account “Deleted”

Last but not least, if your Instagram account is not disabled, deactivated or hacked then, maybe it is permanently deleted from Instagram’s social media platform by someone. 

So, if this is the case then, there’s no way out that helps you to reactivate or recover your account again because the deletion process is permanent and cannot be reversed in any manner.

Thus, we suggest you to not waste your time in wandering for ways of recovering a deleted Instagram account and instead, consider creating another account using the same email address or phone number.

How to Create a New Instagram Account After the Primary Account Gets Deleted?

In order to create a new account on Instagram, you need to simply execute these given steps—

  • Step 1: Firstly, on your respective Android or iPhone device, you’ve to download the Instagram app.
  • Download the Instagram app from Google Play Store if you’re an Android user.
  • Download the Instagram app from the App Store if you’ve an iOS device.
  • Step 2: Once you’ve downloaded the app, follow the on-screen prompts to simply install it on your phone.
  • Step 3: Then, tap on the recently installed Instagram app icon to open it. In doing so, the ‘Sign up’ screen will appear in front of you.
  • Step 4: On the sign-up screen, you’ll have to locate the ‘Sign up with email or phone number’ option and tap on the same.
  • Step 5: Following that, you’ve to enter your ‘Current Email ID’ when prompted. Upon doing so, you also need to enter a ‘Username’ and a ‘Password’ for your Instagram account.
  • Step 6: Upon entering these asked details, move on to add your ‘Bio and Profile Picture’ for your Instagram profile.
  • Step 7: Once you’re done, you can just tap on the ‘Next’ button and your Instagram account will then be created at any given moment.

Additionally, it is worth mentioning that if you choose to log in with Facebook then, you’ve to just enter your ‘Facebook Account Details’ to have your new Instagram account.


Q : How long does Instagram disable accounts for violating terms?

A : Well, the answer for how long does Instagram disable accounts is mainly based on what form of disable penalties your account gets as there are a lot of disable account penalties ranging from short term and temporary to permanent.

Q : What happens when Instagram disables your account for 30 days?

A : Albeit, you’ll get a notification through a pop-up window on the Instagram app’s sign-in screen informing that your account has been disabled, and you’ll have 30 days to recover it. But, if during those 30 days, your account remains inactive then, your account could be permanently deleted.

Q : Will Instagram delete my disabled account?

A : No. Instagram will not delete your Instagram account in case you’ve deactivated it. It’s because a deactivated Instagram account does not indicate to Instagram that you wish to have your account completely deleted. 

Q : Why does Instagram keep logging me out for suspicious activity?

A : If you’re wondering why Instagram keeps logging you out for suspicious activity then, let us tell you that Instagram has been following very strict security and privacy protocols. So, at any given point of time, Instagram will block your account or impose an extra layer of security or keep on logging you out for any suspicious activity including repeated mandatory logins.

The Bottom Line

That’s all! Now with the help of this guide, you’ll encounter no issue in recovering or retrieving either of your Personal or Business Instagram account— which no matter whether disabled |deactivated| hacked |deleted.

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